
Hi and welcome to The Search For Simplicity.

The name gives it all away really. I'm on a mission to simplify my life in all ways possible.

Growing up I knew I wanted a simple, modest life. I wasn't focused on climbing the career ladder, or being famous, or "making a name for myself" in any particular field, I just wanted a quiet life with a happy family. This is something that society tends to make you feel bad about, because you should want more, especially as a woman in a modern world.

Well it turns out my 20s were all about listening to what general society thinks. I got caught up in the rat race and spent a decade chasing something that never really existed and ultimately bought me no lasting joy or fulfilment.

Now I'm in my 30s and I've recently become a mum of two. I've realised that I've got the opportunity to create the life that I dreamed about in my teens. This blog is going to document my efforts to get there. It's going to cover a wide range of topics, because in order to live a simple, happy life, you have to tackle all areas of it; from an organised home, to mental health, parenting and everything in between.

So here we go, on the search for simplicity.

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